Singapore 101 aims to facilitate swifter and smoother integration into Singapore’s society for all people. Invigorate interaction between people of different races, and to allow all to appreciate the riches that Singapore’s multicultural magnificence has to offer.
Date: 7 Dec 2019, Time: 9.30am-5.00pm
Venue: PSB Academy City Campus, Marina Square, Lecture Theatre 4
1. DR. WILLIAM WAN (General Secretary of the Singapore Kindness Movement).
2. DR. TAN MEI LING (Senior Research Scientist of the Centre for Leadership and Cultural Intelligence (CLCI) Nanyang Business School).
3. MS. JENNY WEE (PBM, Entrepreneur, Winner of The Xtraordinary Women Award).
4. MR. JERRY WONG (Secretary and Co-founder of Diverse Origins, Lawyer-in-Practice).
Our Event Partners: PSB Academy & Singapore Kindness Movement